Restauration Forêts dégradées

Restauration Forêts dégradées, France

Our project aims to support the recovery of the French forest, which is facing significant damage from insects, fires, diseases, and droughts. These challenges are spreading across the country, severely impacting the forest ecosystem. To ensure its resilience, forest owners are reforesting their plots and diversifying tree species to better withstand future threats.

279,221 Arbres financés sur 300,000
2,147,483.647 T CO2 compensé
8,474 Abonnés
Planter dès 2
octobre 2024

🌿 New Growth, New Life
The young buds of this conifer are a testament to nature's strength and the regeneration of restored forests. Each new sprout is a step forward in rebuilding resilient and sustainable ecosystems. This natural life cycle is crucial for biodiversity, soil stabilization,

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29 oct. 2024