Forest Gardens - Mount Elgon Region

Forest Gardens - Mount Elgon Region, Ouganda

Our project employs a unique agroforestry approach that benefits local farmers and the environment. Monoculture and logging have degraded the land and left farmers reliant on a single source of income. So far, over 700 farmers are using the Forest Garden approach to rebuild food systems, improve livelihoods, and restore the environment. CO2 per species is rounded to 50kg, as this project is twinned with VCS credits.

302,847 Arbres financés sur 2,000,000
2,147,483.647 T CO2 compensé
2,389 Abonnés
Planter dès 1
10 mises à jour en rapport avec SocialInclusion
février 2025

Forest Gardens provide children with better nutrition, food security, and a healthier environment.

They also serve as a learning space, teaching future generations about sustainability and land stewardship for a more resilient future.

28 févr. 2025
avril 2024

The success of a forest garden depends on the collective involvement of everyone.

30 avr. 2024
Heilvolle Impulse
Heilvolle Impulse · il y a un an


mars 2024

In each of our projects, we have a training center. Here we teach local farmers the best ways to keep their crops and maintain their forests gardens. This way they can take advantage of all the benefits.

27 mars 2024
Heilvolle Impulse
Heilvolle Impulse · il y a un an


janvier 2024

Forest gardens significantly contribute to local livelihoods, offering stable income and food sources for farmers, particularly in vulnerable areas. These diverse ecosystems support a range of produce, ensuring food security and creating job opportunities within the community. By

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29 janv. 2024

Proud farmer showcasing the results of her forest garden

22 janv. 2024
décembre 2023

Nature-based solutions that work for farmers and their communities' needs are central to meeting nature-positive goals.

20 déc. 2023

Forest Garden Farmers are also entrepreneurs with the spirit to build something from the ground up. And what grows from their land is now producing more opportunities through new diversity in income generation.

15 déc. 2023
novembre 2023

Empowering women is key to our project's success. Their inclusion brings diversity, strength, and resilience to our efforts, cultivating not just crops, but also a brighter future for their communities.

24 nov. 2023
octobre 2023

Introducing our newest project yet: Forest Gardens in Uganda

By: John Bett, Africa Regional Project Manager Thrilled to spotlight our latest endeavor: the Forest Gardens project in Uganda, initiated in Octobe...

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One of our dedicated forest garden farmers skillfully navigated from cultivating and selling vegetables to establishing a prosperous pig-rearing initiative. The sale of just four piglets covered essential school fees, and with nine more being nurtured, there's an aim to secure over

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10 oct. 2023