Tudor Creek Mangrove Restoration

Tudor Creek Mangrove Restoration, Kenya

Cours de validation

Mangrove restoration along Tudor Creek is an initiative by Brain Youth Group at the northern side of Mombasa island. The Creek hosts mangrove forests and other resources, attracting recreational activities such as yachting and boating, the creek is encroached by human settlements including hotels and residential buildings , leaving no protection zones. Thus, pollution from within and around the island is common leading to degradation of mangroves

2 arbres plantés sur 0
0.2 T CO2 compensé
62 Abonnés
janvier 2020

We have planted 1500 Mangrove seedlings in collaboration with community villagers. We are intending to plant 14,260,000Mangroves along Tudor Creek in Mombasa County,Kenya. So far we have managed to plant 500,980mangroves with support from various donors including World Bank funded

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23 janv. 2020