La foresta di SueM

Active seed #299 now. I am focusing on giving thank you drops btw and friends´seeds which have fewer drops. Watering (especially regular drippers) - often leaving only emoticons. Not following new accounts at the moment

Portogallo 24 September
Alberi 27,097
Follower 297
Following 138
7760 aggiornamenti
marzo 2010

Niamey 3eme jour

Par Anne-Sophie ahah trouve une connexion dans un cyber cafe non climatise, pfiouuuu. en plus jai du trouver informellemenmt avec laide de bouki et...

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febbraio 2010


Nous n'avons pas pu embarquer dans l'avion, nos passeports en provenance de l'ambassade du Niger, par la poste, étaient encore à Madrid! Le départ ...

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Le projet de plantation...

Demain nous partirons avec Maxime, le fondateur de Tree-Nation pour le Niger. Il s’agira de créer à Dosso une plantation de #Moringa_oleifera, auss...

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What's going on in Niger

Hi everyone, Yesterday, the 18th of february, a coup (coup d'etat) occurred in Niger, resulting in the current president being imprisoned. It's obv...

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novembre 2009

Extended rainy season in Niger this year

Good news for our trees, the rainy season continued very late this year in Niger. Usually it only lasts from July to September.Therefore the trees ...

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