La foresta di Friends of Usambara Society

The Friends of Usambara Society is a grassroots organisation that uses sustainable tourism to conserve the nature and culture of the Usambara Mountains region. Friends of Usambara plants trees, protects and regenerates forests, combats desertification and promotes sustainable forestry. FoU alleviates poverty through sustainable Tourism Development, community forestry projects, and agroforestry in the Usambaras. Tourism helps to generate income for the community projects.We conserve forests, trees, associated biodiversity, plus indigenous and exotic forestry knowledge in the Usambaras, and in Tanzania at large. FoU’s community service projects involve planting trees that provide food and income as well as improved soil and water quality for communities.

Tanzania 22 January
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Friends of Usambara Society ha piantato 1 Albero
This Albizia gummifera is growing in project Usambara Biodiversity Conservation, Tanzania.
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