La foresta di SusieS

Active seed #281 now. I am focusing on giving thank you drops btw and friends´seeds which have fewer drops. Watering (especially regular drippers), but often leaving only emoticons. Not following new accounts at the moment.

Regno Unito 7 March
Alberi 1,491
Follower 250
Following 129

Piantare un nuovo seme

Piantare un nuovo seme
SusieS ha piantato 1 Albero
Seed #281 These trees in Ecuador can reportedly walk, making them the only mobile trees on this planet. "As the earth erode...
10 mesi fa
+15 Gocce d'acqua


Mar, 27 +10
Mar, 28 +8
Mar, 29 +12
Mar, 30 +8