La foresta di YogiTN

Active seed #106 now. I am focusing on giving thank you drops btw and friends´seeds which have fewer drops. Watering (especially regular drippers), but often leaving only emoticons. Not following new accounts at the moment.

Portogallo 30 January
Alberi 3,040
Follower 215
Following 121

Piantare un nuovo seme

Piantare un nuovo seme
YogiTN ha piantato 1 Albero
Seed #106 "May: Iris" from the series "Twelve Types of Flowers" by Tokuriki Tomikichirō (1902-2000), an important artist in ...
10 mesi fa
+8 Gocce d'acqua


Mar, 26 +15
Mar, 27 +10
Mar, 28 +8
Mar, 29 +12