Trees for Tribals

Trees for Tribals, India

Our project aims to empower the Irula tribe in Tamil Nadu through tree planting initiatives. The Irulas, one of the earliest inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent, face significant socioeconomic challenges as a semi-nomadic, landless community with limited access to education and resources. These vulnerabilities leave them exposed to weather disasters. By creating employment opportunities, enhancing biodiversity, and improving their environment,

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luglio 2024

Involving Local Communities and Tribes in Tree Planting: A Catalyst for Poverty Alleviation

Engaging local communities and indigenous tribes like the Irulas and Bhatra in tree planting initiatives offers a dual advantage of environmental r...

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Young members of the The Irula tribes are planting hope and greenery around their new homes, given under the Prime Minister's relief scheme. 🌱 After a long wait, they finally have a place to call their own. These saplings will soon grow into trees, providing shade, fuelwood, fodder,

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15 lug 2024
giugno 2024

The Irulas of Tamil Nadu: Embracing the Monsoon and its Positive Impact

The Irulas, one of the indigenous tribes of Tamil Nadu, have a profound connection with the monsoon season. Living in harmony with nature, the Irul...

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For generations, tribal communities have championed harmony with nature. Cheers to this tribal woman planting who was part of this planting for a better future!


21 giu 2024
maggio 2024

The Plantation Project's Community-Led Approach to Environmental Stewardship

In the context of environmental conservation/restoration, the state of Chhattisgarh, India, is witnessing a significant initiative in the Bastar re...

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Age may have silvered their hair, but their hearts are evergreen. These hands have built their community, now they're planting its future one sapling at a time.

13 mag 2024
aprile 2024

The Irula: Ancient Stewards of the Forest Facing Modern Challenges

The Indian state of Tamil Nadu is home to the Irula tribe, an ancient community possessing a rich cultural heritage. Traditionally, the Irulas held...

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Poverty Relief and Environmental Awareness for the tribals

Introduction: Bastar, Chhattisgarh, is a region grappling with poverty and environmental vulnerability. The plantation project aims to address thes...

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This young Moringa sapling will tower over the village, offering delicious drumsticks and a wealth of nutrients. This is the essence of community planting- growing a legacy for generations.

10 apr 2024
marzo 2024

Because big projects thrive on big communities !!

Look at this incredible community coming together for a big project! These amazing locals are making a real difference, one sapling at a time.

26 mar 2024

Saplings rooting tall that will grow up to support the tribals in the region! We have planted species that will be an asset to the communities in the long run.

10 mar 2024
febbraio 2024

Healthy saplings from the Tribals project :) Planted by the tribals and communities. Planting and watching them grow gives immense joy doesn't it?

11 feb 2024

Tribals love and connection with nature

In the vast tapestry of human existence, one finds a group of people who have seamlessly woven their lives into the fabric of nature—tribal communi...

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gennaio 2024

Today we appreciate our community members !!

With determination in their hearts, these community members are transforming their surroundings, one tree at a time. It’s truly inspiring to see how they come together, support one another, and work towards a common goal. Their efforts

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30 gen 2024

Forests, Tribes, and Culture: A History of Bastar

Bastar, Chhattisgarh, is home to several incredible tribes that have their own unique cultures and traditions. Among them are the Gond, Muria, Mar...

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