Amazon Windshields

Amazon Windshields, Bolivia

Our project aims to combat deforestation in the Bolivian Amazon through innovative agroforestry solutions. The region is losing vast forest areas to agriculture, requiring creative approaches to balance farming and conservation. By planting tree windshields between fields, we create a grid that boosts crop yields on less land, prevents wind erosion, and improves biodiversity, water quality, and social well-being while reducing the carbon footprin

113,952 Alberi finanziati 155,539
1,261,226.77 T CO2 compensato
3,848 Follower
Piantare da 2
ottobre 2024

This fascinating nocturnal monkey has been spotted for the first time within our planting sites. We are thrilled by its presence, as it is a native species of these lands. We are confident that it will soon bring along its family and companions, likely sensing that our forests provide

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15 ott 2024
Ketrawe · 5 mesi fa

sorry, black azarae boliviensis.
