Cocoa Farmer Agroforestry

Cocoa Farmer Agroforestry, Cameroon


This Trees for the Future (TREES) agroforestry project in Western Cameroon addresses erosion, food insecurity and the unsustainable farming practices of smallholder cocoa farmers. Through the intercropping of multipurpose trees and fruit trees, this project is helping 500 cocoa farmers to grow higher quality cocoa while improving their land, and livelihoods. We will plant 1 milllion trees (2.000 trees x farmer)

500,166 Trees funded of 500,000
316,383.625 T CO2 compensated
June 2022

This beautiful continent Africa is important for so many reasons. A few of them are the incredible amount of people working on the front lines of climate change - feeding their communities, restoring biodiversity + making a big impact on our environment. We work in thousands of locations

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02 Jun 2022