Our project aims to restore the degraded Upper Imenti Forest, a critical wet-season habitat for elephants near Mount Kenya. This area has suffered from deforestation over many years, and we are working to reverse this by planting 200,000 native trees to help revive the ecosystem and protect wildlife.
Mount Kenya Trust (MKT) is undertaking a forest rehabilitation project at Lower and Upper Imenti Forest to restore the once continuous indigenous forest. This forest block was heavily degraded after massive illegal logging and charcoal production. After all the trees were removed the area was colonized by an invasive plant species - Lantana camara.
Replanting in this site in an enormous task because it involves uprooting the Lantana camara. To achieve this, the Trust is engaging the local community to prepare the plots. The local community benefit by planting annual crops- beans and potatoes- while at the same time planting and taking care of seedlings planted in their plots. It is a win-win situation for both the members of local community and forest conservation.
Micro-fencing of the planted blocks has greatly helped in stopping depredation of the seedlings by elephants and other herbivores. It is interesting how the replanting exercise is co-existing harmoniously with the high population of elephants.
The Trust has set a blue-print for forest rehabilitation on this part of the country.
Well done Mount Kenya Trust.
Expertise: Wildlife Management
I worked with the Trust for a few months at the beginning of 2020 and have continued to support it however I can as I love being part of something that quietly gets on with achieving real change on the ground without wasting lots of money on expensive kit, flashy publicity stunts, or pointless admin exercises.
The MKT tree planting programme is a true community effort, with local people tending nurseries to grow saplings from seeds collected locally which, when big enough, are planted locally. As well as species indigenous to the mountain, the programme encourages communities to plant trees that fulfil the need for animal forage, timber and firewood, for example, and so take the pressure off protected forest. In this way, the Trust supports both the important habitats present on Mount Kenya and also the communities who depend upon natural resources in their day-to-day lives.
I'm hugely impressed by how hard everyone at the Trust works, how much extra effort they put in without expectation of personal reward, and how much everyone involved believes in what they're trying to achieve both for the environment and for local communities.
Expertise: Habitat restoration and management; community involvement
Partnering with Mount Kenya Trust over the last two years has resulted in over 10,000 trees not only planted, but cared for and grown with an over 90% survival rate.
The team is continuously working on innovative and new projects and does their projects in a well-informed and planned way to ensure success. The reports and updates from them support our tree growing efforts and help create transparency on the activities.
Kenya only has about 3% of forest of which the bulk is found on Mt Kenya, the Aberdares and the Mau, which also represent Kenya's water towers, providing water (and hydro-electricity) to more than 90% of Kenya's human and wildlife population. Their water tower functions are jeapordized by forest degradation and its essential for all life in Kenya to restore degraded forests to maintain its ecoservices. The Aberdares and Mt Kenya are also very important elephant habitats, home to the highest density of elephants in the country. Surveys of Mt Kenya and the Imenti have illustrated that the Imenti is vital elephant habitat and without the efforts of the MKT and partnering organizations like RA, it would be lost today. Illegal timber and charcoal production as well as over-grazing was so prevailing in the Imenti that by 2000 one could hardly distinguish forest on satellite imagery. I'm amazed how all the forests that were replanted by the MKT are totally positively transforming extremely degraded parts of the mountain like the Imenti. Today the Imenti is back on the map (sat imagery) thanks to replanting efforts efforts of MKT and partnering NGO's like RA. We are proud to partner with MKT and hope the replanting work can be multiplied well into the future. I'm convinced the elephants and all the other forest inhabitants agree.
This was a magical day spent tree planting at high altitude on Mount Kenya in the company of friends and fellow tree planters....and just happened to be my birthday. My recollections are the red earth and red muddy hands, the camaraderie in our shared endeavour, lightheadedness due to altitude and exertion, and the satisfaction of doing something positive for Mount Kenya and the planet. A wonderful experience!
... what ever happen, The Mount Kenya Trust teams reforest the damaged slopes of Mount Kenya. They are always enthusiast, focus, hardworking and efficient.
In Oct 2018 & 2019 I supported them, confident that the trees I planted will become one day strong, beautiful and will play their role safely within our mountain ecosystem.
This is priceless !
Very ambitious project, not only dedicated to removing invasive species but also achieving reforestation for shared elephant habitat.
To plant over 170,000 tree seedlings on Mount Kenya this past year is not mean feat. The terrain is one thing, but more importantly, having had a fairly dry year, the Trust says all seedlings are nurtured and for any seedling dying it is replaced - which means a tree will grow! Very good support.
Caff has really appreciated the support they have received in partnering with Mt Kenya Trust to plant indigenous trees in the Naro Moru area of Mt Kenya and the dry lands of Laikipia. Mt Kenya Trust has bought seedlings from our individual tree nursery holders which have then been planted in a secure site agreed upon by Mt Kenya Trust and Caff. This support has been invaluable in keeping our tree nursery holders solvent and able to continue the good work that they are doing.
We have recently partnered with the Trust to start reafforesting Lusoi Hill which belongs to the Forestry department and is situated in a dry bushland area between Sangare Ranch and small scale farmers to the South of Naro Moru. 5000 indigenous trees have been planted this season and the work continues where funds allow. We hope to continue with this important project in the years ahead provided there is enough funding. A community group at Lusoi have assisted with digging holes, planting the trees and protecting them.
Without the partnership with Mt Kenya Trust our small organisation would struggle to survive. We are very thankful for the help and support and hope to continue to work together in the future.
MKT is incredibly dedicated to reforesting the area surrounding Mount Kenya. Their team is so passionate and it's amazing what they've been able to do for the Mount Kenya Forest. I spent some time volunteering with Mount Kenya Trust on some of their tree planting projects, and I think one of the greatest parts of their work is how they include the local communities. By involving community members, they are able to significantly expand their reach and ensure the long-term success of their project.
We have worked with Mount Kenya Trust in Mount Kenya, as a representative of International Tree Foundation in Kenya. I recommend them
My name is John Njoroge, the Ecosystem Conservator Meru County working for Kenya Forests Service (KFS). I am in charge of the gazetted forests within the county which are 97,169.58 ha beside coordinating forestry activities. Mount Kenya falls within this area where we have been working with Mount Kenya Trust (MKT) in rehabilitating the degraded parts of the mountain. Some of the areas that have been rehabilitated includes Ontulili, Marania, Lower Imenti and Nyambene Forests. The focus currently is on Upper Imenti forest where a total of 100ha requires resources for the work to continue.
MKT are known to be hands on and honest in their undertakings and KFS considers them as worthy partners in conservation and protection of Mount Kenya ecosystem. They have a good working relationship with the communities surrounding the mountain since they involve them in seedlings production and planting. The communities’ livelihood is improved since they get compensation for raising the seedlings. Good success stories are evident on the ground where forest areas have been restored and animals have moved in these habitats. During the fire season, MKT are always in the front line in fighting forest fires to save the mountain. They were also instrumental in organizing fire fighting training where a multiagency team of scouts and rangers were trained and equipped in readiness of any fire eventuality.
I have therefore no reservations in recommending MKT to be supported in order for them to continue with this worthy undertaking of restoring the precious mountain.
MKT works with farmers on the ground enabling people to grow crops and plant trees which help stabilize the soil and reforest Mount Kenya. I would highly recommend this project as they not only plant trees but MKT also support KWS with patrols in order to prevent illegal logging and poaching. Please support MKT especially as we see an increase in extreme weather conditions and the associated flooding and soil erosion across such an important water shed for Northern Kenya
The Mount Kenya trust does an amazing job with tree planting and working with the local farmers to teach them how to farm more sustainability and with better impact on the environment. I spent 4 months in Kenya working with the Trust and it was so amazing, the whole tree planting process from the nursery to the mountain side is an amazing process and one everyone should witness.
We have loved our involvement with Mt Kenya Trust..stemming from childhood experiences in Kenya and long lasting relationships. Our son has just returned from months of tree planting on the mountain and we are so inspired by the ongoing work that is happening at Mt Kenya Trust; encompassing both extensive land management as well as the welfare of elephants and other animals..to providing employment for many Kenyan people. The legacy of the Trust will ensure that Mt Kenya is beautifully respected for generations to come.
The Mount Kenya Trust Team are some of the most hardworking individuals out there, working towards a future with trees on which our very survival depends. They can use all the support they can get and you can rest assured that your funding will make a difference on the ground. The forests are the lungs of our planet - now more than ever we need them. Keep up the excellent work MKT!
Having seen first hand the work of the MKT teams over the last 5 or so years I would highly encourage support of all types for their excellent commitment to improving the environment around the Mt Kenya eco-system.
I have worked in two organisations providing funding to Mount Kenya Trust for their restoration activities around Mount Kenya. They are an excellent charity, with knowledgeable and passionate staff working hand in hand with the local community. During visits to Kenya, I have visited their own tree nursery and some of the community tree nurseries they support, which have a very high standard of seedling production. Tree planting is also extremely well organised, and the results are truly inspiring in just a few years. Please support this project in any way you can!
I have seen the Mt Kenya Trust in action. I rode my bike for them, and help planting trees thanks to Mpesa ;-) Do the same, this is indeed an organisation worth supporting. Well done to the MKT team.
Dear undefined,
We are excited to inform you that as of today, 03/06/2024, Tree-Nation will be shifting the majority of our operations to our Spanish company, Neovee Solutions. The Neovee entity is where Tree-Nation was originally founded and operated for thirteen years, and we return to it after a period working fully as a non-profit organization. From now on, Neovee Solutions will manage the Tree-Nation platform, while our non-profit arm will focus on the research and development of micro-conservation projects.
As a result of this transition, Neovee Solutions will become the new controller of your personal data, handling its storage and processing. This change in data management will not impact your experience with us. The company's team and activities remain unchanged, and your data will continue to be employed solely for the purposes disclosed at the time of registration.
To understand the reason behind this change, and why we are excited about it, please review our blog announcement. Though there is no action required on your end, you may review further details in our updated Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and Terms of Service.
Please be aware that you have the right to deactivate or delete your Tree-Nation account if you do not wish to accept our terms under this updated structure. You may also request the deletion of your information by contacting us. If you have any questions, or wish to delete your data, please e-mail us at contactus@tree-nation.com.
Our team is thrilled to finally announce this transition as we have been preparing it for a whole year. It is a step towards enabling the expansion of our projects, aligning with our mission of planting one trillion trees by 2050.
We thank you for your support in this ambitious, yet essential goal.