Trees for Slender Loris

Trees for Slender Loris, India

Our project aims to create safe habitats for the Grey Slender Loris by planting native trees. Habitat loss from tree-felling has reduced their food sources, shelter, and protection, leading to a population decline. Since these primates rely on continuous forest canopies, fragmentation isolates them, further threatening their survival. Through reforestation, we aim to restore their habitat and support their survival.

46,454 Trees funded of 67,500
2,147,483.647 T CO2 compensated
Plant from 1,50
October 2020

The plantation of native tree species have also provided the local communities with alternative modes of forest-based livelihood opportunities to prevent them from unsustainable practices, besides successfully creating about 2000 workdays of jobs in the nursery and planting and

See more
29 Oct 2020
Amanda Sanghvi
Amanda Sanghvi · 2 years ago

Thanks Melanie :)
