Reforest the Amazon Basin

Reforest the Amazon Basin, Brasil

Our project aims to reforest areas of the Amazon rainforest impacted by illegal deforestation. The loss of vegetation has caused severe environmental imbalances, and we are working to restore these regions. This effort is essential in combating climate change, biodiversity loss, and other environmental damage.

105,314 Árvores financiados de 127,000
23,907.692 T CO2 Compensado
6,438 Seguidores
Plantar desde 4,20
julho 2023

The image shows our collaborator next to Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) Barneby, a species popularly known as Pinho Cuiabano and Bandarra in the State of Rondônia, which can reach from 20 to 30 m in height. This species is used in the recomposition of Degraded/Altered

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19 jul 2023
Immacolata Paola Bonuomo

Grazie mille buona giornata
