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Daintree Life Revegetation

Daintree Life Revegetation, Austrália

Our project restores key areas like old service roads and weedy reserves to increase habitat for wildlife such as Southern Cassowaries and Bennetts Tree-kangaroos. We select sites based on access, community input, and their potential for creating wildlife corridors. Our goal is to plant 500,000 indigenous trees by 2030, with nearly 20,000 already planted since 2018 to help regenerate the Daintree Rainforest.

3,390 Árvores financiados de 4,678
7,479.75 T CO2 Compensado
771 Seguidores
Plantar desde 10
Elementos chave
Atividades do projeto
The project is planting trees to re-establish forest cover in an area of forest that has been deforested.
Benefícios ambientais
Conservação da fauna
Fauna Conservation
Animal species protection is a part of the plantation management, such as creation of safe habitats.
Restauração da terra
Land restoration
The project repairs degraded land back into a healthy and productive land.
Benefícios sociais
Estudantes e Voluntários
Students & Volunteers
Projects welcoming students in the context of internships or receiving volunteers.
Conscientização ambiental
Environmental awareness
The project cultivates environmental education for adults and/or children to raise environmental awareness.
Equipe de Plantio

Padrões de Redução de GEE

Tree-Nation Methodology

Descrição do projeto

We are planting indigenous rainforest species on areas comprised of old unused service roads, key areas of weedy roadside reserve, and on private freehold land. When selecting areas, we look at ease of access, local council or other guidelines, community concerns, and identify areas of high value - regarding increasing habitat and wildlife food resource, expanding or creating corridors, and adding demonstrable value to the Daintree area.
We have limited capacity personally to grow many of our trees, but instead mainly source from local nurseries who grow locally sourced indigenous seeds.
We carefully select the species to plant in all areas based on sound research to match as closely as possible to the immediate ecological integrity.
We are working with our local council, landholders and the community to identify and plant multiple areas in the Daintree which are currently degraded and/or covered with weeds and in the process are able to return this land to valuable habitat for the native wildlife.
