Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects, Madagascar

Our project aims to restore Madagascar’s mangroves and upland forests through large-scale reforestation efforts. This initiative addresses habitat loss, improves biodiversity, and helps combat climate change by restoring these critical ecosystems.

25,448,785 Árvores financiados de 30,825,540
2,147,483.647 T CO2 Compensado
349,447 Seguidores
Plantar desde 0,30
4 atualizações relacionadas a SocialEconomy
fevereiro 2025

Our planting team is made up of local community members who live near our restoration sites. Many rely on fishing for their livelihoods, and planting mangroves plays a crucial role in strengthening coastal ecosystems.

Mangroves provide essential breeding and nursery grounds for

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28 fev 2025
The Creative Pixels
The Creative Pixels · há 12 dias

I wonder if there are any mangrove projects in Mexico we can plant on. We are...

novembro 2023

Planting day in Madagascar: our local teams work to restore coastlines, one mangrove at a time. Their hard work is essential for protection against erosion.

17 nov 2023
Maria Vagner
Maria Vagner · há um ano


agosto 2023

Hard work truly pays off! Our diverse team stands as proof. With equal employment opportunities, every member is empowered to support and uplift their families while making a positive impact on the environment.

24 ago 2023
Audrey Lamond
Audrey Lamond · há um ano


setembro 2020

When you support our reforestation project, you empower impoverished communities to restore the environment on a large scale.

Within the last year, there have been many fires in Madagascar. Planting trees to restore forests is key to reducing the negative impacts natural disasters

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14 set 2020