La Pedregoza

La Pedregoza, Colombia


Our project focuses on afforestation and reforestation in the Orinoco River basin of Colombia. The goal is to create long-term economic sustainability for the nearby natural reserve, which is dedicated to conserving local flora and fauna. We achieve this by employing natural farming techniques that support both the environment and the surrounding communities.

230,683 Árboles financiados de 229,488
79,047.95 T CO2 compensado
4,243 Seguidores
15 noticias relacionadas con CO2Capture
septiembre 2023

Rainy season has settled down into the perfect weather for planting in the extreme soils of La Pedregoza.

Now is the time for our new seedlings to launch with the best results and the lands are prepared carefully for receiving the the fresh nursery batch.

The sparse grass is mowed

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03 sep. 2023
agosto 2019

The Challenges of Large Scale Compensation Tree Planting

by Dexter B. Dombro A recent article in the British “The Telegraph” newspaper, entitled "We need to plant 3 billion trees to save the planet – but ...

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diciembre 2013

Understanding Tropical Soils: Part 1

by Dexter B. Dombro Above: Tree plantation in sandy, acidic soil in the tropics Tropical forests are the lungs of our planet. 95% of all tree-based...

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junio 2013

10 month old Acacia mangium at La Pedregoza

#tnphoto #AcaciaMangium

02 jun. 2013
abril 2013

Fancy a visit in paradise?


08 abr. 2013

Plantation of Pinus caribaea

#tnphoto #PinusCaribaea

08 abr. 2013

The plantation trees, Acacia Mangium

#tnphoto #AcaciaMangium

08 abr. 2013
agosto 2012

Orejero cultivation (Guanacaste) at La Pedregoza


08 ago. 2012

Gmelina arborea after pruning at La Pedregoza

#tnphoto #GmelinaArborea

08 ago. 2012
julio 2012

Photos from La Pedregoza - July 2012

Here is my latest album of photos taken during the early stages of planting at La Pedregoza in early July 2012:

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febrero 2012

View of 2009 plantation with firebreak.

#tnphoto #FromAbove

18 feb. 2012
diciembre 2011

Dexter Dombro infront of a La Pedregoza plantation


17 dic. 2011
septiembre 2011

Little guava tree just planted.

#tnphoto #GuavaTree

20 sep. 2011
agosto 2011

10 month old Acacia mangium at La Pedregoza

#tnphoto #AcaciaMangium

20 ago. 2011
junio 2010

Dexter with trees he planted as far as eye can see.

#tnphoto #FromAbove

05 jun. 2010