Forest Garden Program

Forest Garden Program, Sénégal

Our project aims to create sustainable forest gardens by partnering with local farmers. In a region needing rejuvenation, we train 500 farmers in sustainable land management, develop tree nurseries, and plant 2,000 trees per farmer, for a total of 1,000,000 trees. This initiative not only restores the land but also ensures food security and generates income for the farmers. The project has been recognized with the World Restoration Flagship Award

954,061 Arbres financés sur 1,000,000
144,763.219 T CO2 compensé
25,559 Abonnés
Planter dès 0,50
8 mises à jour en rapport avec PovertyRelief
décembre 2023

Farmers select vegetables, fruit trees and other high value crops to diversify their fields and meet their priority nutritional and market needs.

19 déc. 2023
Farid BRIKH · il y a un an

Pour mes parents

novembre 2023

A forest garden in full bloom is a testament to sustainable agriculture – where biodiversity and productivity create a green haven.

24 nov. 2023
Farid BRIKH · il y a un an

Pour mes grands parents

In Senegal, forest gardens are more than a source of greenery; they're lifelines for local communities, offering sustainable livelihoods and new income opportunities.

24 nov. 2023
Farid BRIKH · il y a un an

Pour mes oncles et tantes

octobre 2023

Modern agriculture techniques often fail to lift farming communities out of poverty, with many in sub-Saharan Africa still living below the poverty line.
Our project empowers farmers by teaching them to diversify their crops and explore new revenue streams, increasing their incomes

Voir plus
23 oct. 2023
Farid BRIKH · il y a un an

Pour toutes la communauté Mouslim

janvier 2023

El Hadj Amath Thiam poses with some of his bountiful Cassava root harvest.

18 janv. 2023
Farid BRIKH · il y a un an

Pour toute ma famille

Farmer Aliou poses in front of his thriving tree nursery during a visit to his forest-garden.

18 janv. 2023
juillet 2022

A Sustainable Future for Africa Starts with Agroforestry

Written by Maimouna Cisse and Lindsay Cobb I went from being a marginalized person to a successful person who shares her profits.” Jeanne d’Arc Sam...

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mars 2022

Our Training Site in Senegal

Our training site is a model Forest Garden that demonstrates the Forest Garden Approach in action. It provides staff, farmers, and partner organiza...

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