La foresta di Lithia Motors Inc.

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novembre 2016

Planting trees is one of the most simple, inexpensive, and effective ways to combat global climate change.we at Friends of Usambara and committed 4-H groups are working hard to achieve our mission of planting 1 million trees.Will you DONATE TODAY to help us reach our goal? Only together

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16 nov 2016

This is not a time to blame anyone for such extreme Mountain biodiversity loss. We take most of our time to restore and rescue the left over a step preceded by massive campaigns intending to educate, needs assessment and proposing alternatives to economic growth.
The other turn

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16 nov 2016

"Get some for your land", In a mean while the call for seedlings inquiry will be open. In this turn more than twelve tree species including six native to the Usambara Mountains will be offered to villagers living closer to nature reserves and water source areas. Every body eager

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16 nov 2016

We are told that there is a place up in the sky called heaven!!
We had no this word in our dictionary before the coming of the western missionaries, the only substitute for this foreign word was the forest!!
We believed that Sheuta the creator lived in the

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16 nov 2016

When it comes to planting, everybody must have a feeling of it. Here are a few seedlings, 200 seedlings of four native sp taken to Mambo to be planted to prevent soil #erosion and aid fixation of important soil nutrients in agro lands at the villages of Tema and Mambo. Hopeful this

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16 nov 2016

Mkuzu primary school pupils enjoying a joyfull moment with the eco tourists who paid a planting visit at their school compound.


16 nov 2016

One of the videos showing one of the Friends of Usambara Society's daily works


16 nov 2016

The friends of Usambara team is still striving to catch up with a progress of at least planting one million tree seedlings annually. Eco tourist ar...

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A friends of Usambara Society staff member demonstrating to Ngulwi secondary school students and teachers how to plant.

The overall purposes of the project is conserve the Magamba nature reserve and to mitigate climate change through support for ecological balance, e...

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Kwembago primary school pupils preparing their school tree nursery

The Green School Program seeks to show that by involving children and especially schools in tree planting we can make substantial contribution to t...

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This video shows a part of one of the past tree planting projects.#video

09 nov 2016
Friends of Usambara Society

Thank you so much for your compliment John Huang!...It really did..

Green school Program for Usambara biodiversity conservation

Education is an important element of FOU’s work.Today’s children are tomorrow’s conservation leaders and this program creates youth development clu...

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