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Tudor Creek Mangrove Restoration

Tudor Creek Mangrove Restoration, Kenya

In fase di valutazione

Mangrove restoration along Tudor Creek is an initiative by Brain Youth Group at the northern side of Mombasa island. The Creek hosts mangrove forests and other resources, attracting recreational activities such as yachting and boating, the creek is encroached by human settlements including hotels and residential buildings , leaving no protection zones. Thus, pollution from within and around the island is common leading to degradation of mangroves

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Descrizione del progetto

Brain youth group is a community based organization formed in 2011 whose membership include youth of between 18-35years. The members of the CBO are drawn from Junda sub-location,Kisauni constituency in Mombasa county,Kenya.

The group is an environmental conservation, education and awareness group that seek to tap into the creativity, energy and initiative of the youth to provide for positive interventions in the management of the environment, educate and create awareness among the youth on HIV/AIDS and sanitation, develop alternative to provide the youth and women with employment, income and poverty alleviation.

Our MISSION: "Work for sustainable development of Mombasa county by providing alternative sources of income while preserving the environment."

OUR VISION: "Totally restore the mangrove at Tudor creek and reduce poverty, unemployment and malnutrition in Mombasa county."

(1) To conserve mangrove forests along the Tudor Creek in Mombasa County, for improved communities livelihoods and enhanced ecosystem.


-Plant mangroves along the Tudor Creek to restore degraded areas.
-Educate local villagers on the important role that mangroves play in the ecosystem.
-To Excavate fish ponds, produced more seedlings and mount apiaries for the community's livelihoods sustainability

Tudor creek mangroves forests covered 1,641ha of mangroves. But it's remaining 215ha of mangrove due to human activities and natural disaster.

Our previous donors are UNDP-GEF/SGP, SLOVAK aid, PSI, Idea Wild, Kenya Coastal Development Project (KCDP)world bank funded project and The Pollination Project.
