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Mangrove restoration along Tudor Creek is an initiative by Brain Youth Group at the northern side of Mombasa island. The Creek hosts mangrove forests and other resources, attracting recreational activities such as yachting and boating, the creek is encroached by human settlements including hotels and residential buildings , leaving no protection zones. Thus, pollution from within and around the island is common leading to degradation of mangroves
The relationship between economic growth and coastal natural capital is still an emerging field. Coastal natural capital provides essential goods and ecosystem services such as food, energy, construction materials for the population. Habitat and food for wildlife. Jobs, tourism and investment for the economy, as well as acting as a form of mitigation against emissions and waste. Coastal natural capital are essential inputs for production. The restoration of mangrove ecosystems have important ecological, economic, and social values for coastal communities in Mombassa Kenya. Mubarak Abdulla, the founder of Forest Restoration Agency and the lead partner in our Citizen Science Program is doing a wonderful job restoring the mangroves within Mombassa, Kenya.
This organization is a leader in ecosystem conservation and restoration in the region. They have determined and dedicated leaders who make every project succeed. This project will be a working showcase for what must be done elsewhere in the region and around the world. Mangroves are noth the silver bullet in our battle against global warming and climate change, but mangroves are clearly part of healthy ecosystems and resilient communities. I look forward to reading even more success stories and best practices from this team. We all can learn from them.
What an ambitious and wide reaching project already planting hundreds of thousands of trees and now looking to expand its work! Very inspiring.
Mbaarak Abdalla, through his leadership of Brain Youth Group and the use of social media, has done a great job disseminating information on the ecology of mangroves and their importance in building resilience against the effects of climate change. The number of trees he has planted is quite impressive and continues to grow.
An inspiration to many! Keep up the good work!
Brain Youth Group’s main goal is restoring Tudor Creek mangrove
forests as a way of reducing poverty, unemployment and malnutrition in Mombasa County. Their holistic vision makes a real difference, ensuring the ownership of the projects by the local community and its long-term success.
Mbaarak is a great leader with a long-term vision of restoring over 700ha of mangrove forests in Tudor Creek area.
We are proud of cooperating with an organization like Brain Youth Group.
Mbaarak's leadership, vision, and determination has enabled Brain Youth Group to accomplish so much, not only for the environment in Tudor Creek and beyond but for the surrounding community. This project's activities are based in sound environmental restoration principles and are guided by a well-established community-driven development approach to improving livelihoods and quality of life. Mbaarak is a tireless champion for this important work, and consistently finds creative and effective solutions to challenges that come up in the course of ambitious projects like these. I have seen with my own eyes the remarkable work he and his organization are doing on the ground, and I look forward to continuing to supporting them however I can.
Mbaarak Abdalla is highly dedicated to mangrove rehabilitation and educating youth.
Mbaarak is the founder and program director for Brain Youth Group and the founder and president for Forest Restoration Agency in Mombasa County,Kenya. His vision is to restore the mangrove at Tudor creek and reduce poverty, unemployment and malnutrition in Mombasa County by planting mangroves at Tudor creek and reverse current mangrove deforestation.
-Educate local villagers on the important role that mangroves play in the ecosystem.
-Educate local villagers on other relevant topics such as HIV, Drug abuse and nutrition.
-Create fish ponds and bee hives as a source of revenue and employment for local community,honey and fresh fish.
Tudor Creek mangroves forests covered 1,641ha of mangroves.
But it's now 215ha of mangrove due to human activities and natural disasters.
He intends to plant 14,260,000mangroves along Tudor Creek in Mombasa County, Kenya. So far the organization has planted approximately 500,980 Mangrove seedlings along Tudor Creek with a survival rate of 87%.
We are very proud of his work!
I have been working with Mbaarak for over 1.5 yr now and his leadership and vision as founder of Brain Youth Group and Mangrove restoration projects has been exemplary. Trying to build a self-sustaining nursery that can generate saplings for mangroves, provide valuable lesson on environmental awareness to young students of community schools, the group has been part of well-rounded development for the area. The vision to expand mangrove project into other tree (fruits, berries etc. ) planting activities that can provide earnings to locals while also restoring forest cover has potential to expand community based forestry initiative. The group's tireless work in building new networks, reaching out of large foundations and donors to raise funds for its ambitious goals for Tudor creek restoration is commendable
Passionate about restoring mangroves in their own community, Tudor Creek Mangrove Restoration raises saplings and works with local youth groups to plant them along the shores, instilling a respect and love for the earth in the next generation. The mangroves do more than store carbon, they restore an ecosystem that supports local fishing and farming and protects the community from rising seas and storm surges. They make efficient use of resources and have a 80% tree survival rate. The organization has received recognition from regional organizations and the UN.
Gentile undefined,
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