Protect Amazonian Biodiversity

Protect Amazonian Biodiversity, Peru


Our project aims to protect biodiversity in the Peruvian Amazon while promoting indigenous rights and sustainable development. We work at the intersection of people and forests, planting trees and fostering sustainable practices to protect the ecosystem. Through this, we support indigenous autonomy and spread sustainable ways of life to encourage fair, long-term development.

74,252 Trees funded of 100,000
39,274.335 T CO2 compensated
Key elements
Project activities
The project is planting trees to re-establish forest cover in an area of forest that has been deforested.
The project works to achieve forest health and biodiversity for the benefit and sustainability of current and future generations.
The project owns areas protected from industrial activity to help preserve species and healthy ecosystems for the future and ensure its long-term sustainability.
The project is planting trees on agricultural land for multiple purposes, including the agricultural use of trees, combined with agricultural crops and/or livestock.
Environmental benefits
CO2 capture
CO2 Capture
The project holds ideal characteristics for carbon sequestration (CO2 offsets). This include a tropical climate zone, fast growing wood species, certain type of forest and project management.
Fauna conservation
Fauna Conservation
Animal species protection is a part of the plantation management, such as creation of safe habitats.
Avoiding deforestation
Avoid deforestation
The project sustainable forest management aids to stop deforestation and forest degradation.
The project is managed without the use of agrochemicals or herbicides.
Social benefits
Food security
Food security
Through a selection of tree species generating edible by-products (fruit, nuts, seeds, edible leafs) the project contributes to improving nutrition of local communities and help the region becoming more resilient to famine.
Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness
The project cultivates environmental education for adults and/or children to raise environmental awareness.
Local heritage
Local heritage
Local cultural and environmental heritage is promoted, by documenting and preserving traditional practices for future generations knowledge.
Indigenous tribes
Indigenous tribes
Project involves reforestation in protected areas supporting the life of indigenous tribes. Trees are planted by or with the tribes to further protect their habitat and way of living.
The planting team

GHG Reduction Standards

Tree-Nation Methodology

Project description

A forest for the trees of the Amazon, Camino Verde Tambopata is a reforestation center and organization whose work lies at the intersection between people and forests. The Living Seed Bank is home to experimental plantations with over 400 species of native Amazonian trees planted to date. Our nurseries produce thousands of seedlings representing over a hundred species a year. Our mission is to demonstrate, implement, and spread regenerative strategies that address the needs of human and other biological communities in the Peruvian Amazon and beyond.

As of March 2023, thanks to Tree-Nation donations, we have been able to plant over 60,000 trees within our sites in Madre de Dios and Loreto.

A biodiversity hotspot, the Madre de Dios region and the Tambopata Province are home to an age-old knowledge of practical plant lore regarding the use of hundreds of species of trees and other plants. As a result of population booms and rapidly accelerating development in the past three decades, forests began to suffer the telltale signs of over-exploitation. Formerly robust populations of the dozens of species of timber trees harvested commercially have dwindled precipitously in recent years.

Now more than ever, we benefit from practical knowledge of the use, management, and restoration of native forest resources, many of which are poorly understood and improperly studied. Along with seeds planted, the forests need people who recognize the seeds, know how to plant and care for the trees, and experience the value of the fruits and other products.
