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Save the Aberdare Forest

Save the Aberdare Forest, Kenya

Our project aims to restore the degraded Aberdare Forest by addressing the impacts of illegal logging, charcoal burning, and encroachment. To reverse this damage, we are planting indigenous tree species and supporting local communities with improved cookstoves and biogas units. These efforts not only restore the ecosystem but also enhance community resilience to climate change.

80,415 Trees funded of 250,000
16,505.438 T CO2 compensated
Plant from 1
13 Total Reviews
5 Expert’s Reviews
3 Citizen’s Reviews

5 Expert’s Reviews


Saving Aberdare Forest-Kiangure Springs Way

As an environment and climate smart Agriculture expert, I recommend Kiangure springs' perspective that the most sure way to address the interlinked challenges of climate change adaptation and mitigation is tree planting. I have previously worked for the CBO as a project manager for a project aimed ate hanging resilience of communities to impacts of climate change. The organization seeks to work with the young and old in the community to restore integrity of the Aberdare catchment in provision of its ecosystem services. The CBO engages young people in conservation through mural art painting, theater and establishing environmental clubs in schools as platforms where the youth are actively engaged in tree planting activities.

The success of the CBOs tree planting projects over the last decade has been recognized by the government and in particular the Kenya Forest Service department. They have worked closely and in turn supported other carbon neutral activities to relive pressure from fuelwood exploitation in the Aberdare forest such as briquettes making, cookstoves assembly and biogas installation in households within the catchment area.

Take a walk within Nyeri County and you are sure to find footprints of Kiangure CBO's tree planting projects. The success and impact of the activities over the last ten years in the catchment area is commendable.

Expertise: Climate Smart Agriculture / Environmental Planning and Management

joel muriithi
joel muriithi 3 years ago

Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative is a success

Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative is a forest restoration project that has shown tremendous success and impact to the local communities in the Aberdare ecosystem. I had the opportunity to work with them first hand during my school internship period. The project has greatly impacted the communities in the Aberdare ecosystem through provision of renewable energy solutions such as biogas, cooking stoves, tree planting and capacity building. This has gone a long way in restoring the Aberdare forest. I am a witness that this project has truly transformed the attitude of the local communities towards conservation practices. With more support this project will continue to improve the lives of many and help save the Aberdare forest.

Joel Muriithi

Expertise: Environmental Impact Expert



Painting a New World (PNMW) is a Canadian Non-Profit Organization helping artists in Africa and Haiti through an International Mural Art Program.
PNMW has been working with Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative (KSEI) since 2010 when we launched our first mural in Kenya. We chose KSEI because of Joram Mathenge, the Executive Director, and his vision to promote forest conservation through art. To date, PNMW has funded 25 murals in Kenya and intends to continue.
Over the years, Joram has constantly demonstrated his professionalism and commitment to making a difference in the world. His involvement in the communities has been constant and necessary.

We are honored and proud to support the Tree Planting Project on Tree-Nation as an important environment project.

Prepared by:
Andre Chatelain and Agnes Jorgensen

Expertise: Mural/Fine art


Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative (KSEI) is a registered active Member of Muringato Community Forest Assiciation since 2010.CommunityForests Associations (CFA) is a key element in forest conservation and management as they are formed by communities that live adjacent to forests. These communities use the forests sustainably to generate income and improve their livelihoods hence easing pressure on the forest areas.CFAs are mandated by Kenya Forest Service to participate in the conservation and management of a public forest.
KSEI has participated in tree growing and management in the Aberdare Forest Ecosystem and have been awarded for their great work.
We highly recommend their work.
With Thanks,

John Karoki Wahome,
Chairman-----Muringato Community Forest Association

Expertise: Forest Management expert

Richard oyoko
Richard oyoko 3 years ago

Save Aberdare forest is a success story

The save Aberdare Forest tree planting project managed by Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative is a forest restoration project that has shown great success and impact to the grassroot communities in the Aberdare ecosystem.
The forest communities are increasingly changing their attitudes towards forest conservation programmes and have been taking active participation in the project .
They have greatly benefited with cookstoves ,solar lamps ,biogas units and fruit trees and other agroforestry trees promoting the resilience of the community.
Women and youth groups have earned from the project through production of tree seedlings and labour provision and also fabrication and marketing of clean cookstoves. Through use of bio-slurry in the farms ,households have seen increased food production and security.
Iam privileged to be associated with this project and would recommend them for the work being done.

Richard Oyoko
Environment and EIA Expert

Expertise: Environment and EIA Expert

3 Company’s Reviews

We support this Project

We Thegenge Irrigation water project support this Tree planting project to save the Aberdare Forest which is the catchment of our rivers.We have participated in their activities and recomend them for any form of support .
Thank you.
Mwangi Waiganjo
Secretary -Thegenge Irrigation Water Project


My name is Peter Kagunda,the Chairman of Nyeri hill forest community group.We have been working with Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative's since 2012 in restoring Nyeri hill Forest which had been degraded badly.
Our community is adjacent to the Nyeri hill forest site and has been working with this project to the benefit of the community and the forest with over 30,000 trees planted.
The project trained and supported us to start tree nurseries in our farms and have been procuring tree seedlings from us helping us grow economically .They have also donated over 1000 cook stoves to our members and this has helped us to cook safely .
The project also donated solar lamps to community members as reward for best practice in tree planting and care in the forest. Some members have also been educated on cook stove fabrication and bio-gas installation.
Three secondary schools(Kiriti Secondary school,Kimathi secondary school and Kihatha secondary school) in our community have benefited with 54 cubic metre institutional bio-gas from this project thus reducing their wood dependency in cooking .The project has greatly transformed our livelihoods and our landscape and we will continue partnering with them for the benefit of this community.
Peter Kagunda
Chairman- Nyeri Hill SHG


Partnering to fight deforestation through sports

My Name is Julius Ndirangu .Iam the Director and founder of Mt.Kenya Sports Group,an organisation that works to promote social change through sports.
We have been working with Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative(KSEI) in their Save the Aberdare Forest Project.
We mobilize the youth through sports and KSEI organises us to participate in tree planting in forests ,farmlands and schools.We have also benefited in their School Environmental clubs training training .
This project is a success story in enhancing community and ecological resilience and youth integration in forest conservation.
We are privileged to be associated with them.
Julius M.Ndirangu
Director - Mt.Kenya Sports Group

2 Visitor’s Reviews

Ndirangu Keru
Ndirangu Keru 3 years ago

My visit to kiangure Springs Environment Initiative in 2015

Iam Ndirangu Keru,an Agricultural Officer .I visted Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative Project During The 9th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to climate change (CBA9) that took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 24-30 April, 2015, hosted by the government of Kenya in collaboration with African Centre for Technology Studies, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS)-Bangladesh and the Internationa Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)-United Kingdom More than 300 international delegates and 100 local delegates attended this conference. In the first three days of the conference, delegates made visits to various projects that demonstrate climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction at community level. Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative was identified as one of the leaders in working with communities towards reducing their vulnerabilities to climate change.
We visited several of their projects including tree planting projects ,biogas projects ,cookstoves and livelihood projects located within the Aberdare Ecosystem where they working to save the forest.
There project has been making alot of impact to the local community and environment.
With Thanks,
Mr.Ndirangu Keru
(squating front in the group photo)

Peter Kamau
Peter Kamau 3 years ago

A visit to Kiangure Springs Livelihood Improvement Projects

My name is Peter Kamau from Nyeri Farmers Network (Nyefan).I have had the opportunity to visit Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative Livelihood improvement projects in their Demo sites and in the beneficiary homes.
They work with farmers within the Aberdare Forest Area where they train them on good agricultural practices like Agroforestry,climate smart agriculture,renewable energy technologies and livelihood improvement projects.
Farmers are taught how to improve their farms without destroying forests. They are engaged in tree nursery establishment and tree planting activities .In return ,they are rewarded with fruit trees ,cookstoves ,fish ponds and dairy goats for best practice.
The project is making a lasting impact to these communities livelihoods and restoring their environment.
We Went to learn so that we can replicate their initiatives in our Area.
Thanks you.
Peter Kamau
Nyeri Farmers Network (Nyefan)

3 Citizen’s Reviews


The other part of the Aberdare (Nyandarua)

I am Peter Macithi, a data analyst, from Nyandarua County (Satima) with an interest in conservation because I am an affected person.

This is a good initiative and I would love to know whether there is something being done on this side.

Thank you.

Reforestation designed for the wellbeing of all!

So inspired by this project, tying rural financial wealth to ecological health, a great plan for success!

Mary Wambui
Mary Wambui 3 years ago

Planting trees to fight poverty

Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative is transforming the livelihoods of rural communities in Nyeri County through tree planting.They are assisting households to plant fruit trees that are increasing household income and promoting food security.
I have visited the project and the community and i was also amazed by their renewable energy programme that is helping to save forest.
I recommend their work
This is a working Coomunity based intervention to fighting climate change.
Mary Wambui
