Save the Aberdare Forest

Save the Aberdare Forest, Kenya

Our project aims to restore the degraded Aberdare Forest by addressing the impacts of illegal logging, charcoal burning, and encroachment. To reverse this damage, we are planting indigenous tree species and supporting local communities with improved cookstoves and biogas units. These efforts not only restore the ecosystem but also enhance community resilience to climate change.

80,262 Trees funded of 250,000
16,484.128 T CO2 compensated
Plant from 1
Key elements
Project activities
The project is planting trees to re-establish forest cover in an area of forest that has been deforested.
The project works to achieve forest health and biodiversity for the benefit and sustainability of current and future generations.
The project is planting trees on agricultural land for multiple purposes, including the agricultural use of trees, combined with agricultural crops and/or livestock.
Environmental benefits
Fighting desertification
Fights Desertification
The project plants trees in arid zones to combat desertification and to help restore degraded land.
Land restoration
Land restoration
The project repairs degraded land back into a healthy and productive land.
Avoiding deforestation
Avoid deforestation
The project sustainable forest management aids to stop deforestation and forest degradation.
Social benefits
Students & volunteers
Students & Volunteers
Projects welcoming students in the context of internships or receiving volunteers.
Food security
Food security
Through a selection of tree species generating edible by-products (fruit, nuts, seeds, edible leafs) the project contributes to improving nutrition of local communities and help the region becoming more resilient to famine.
Poverty relief
Poverty Relief
The project creates employment opportunities for poor local communities and reduces exposure and vulnerability to extreme weather events.
The project helps girls and boys access quality education in properly equipped schools.
Social economy
Social economy
The project places social welfare above profit; the aim is to enhance the community's quality of life, economically, socially, culturally and environmentally.
Social inclusion
Social inclusion
The project promotes initiatives for marginalized group’s social inclusion through education and training.

GHG Reduction Standards

Tree-Nation Methodology

Project description

This tree planting Project is located in the Upper Tana Catchment area within Aberdare ecosystem and was initiated in 2007 mainly to address environmental degradation & massive forest destruction that was being experienced in the Aberdare Forest in Kenya and promote sustainable use of natural resources.

Our overall objective is to support the upper Tana catchment community in Poverty reduction through improved livelihood systems and the Conservation of Community natural resources and initiatives for enhanced environmental management and governance.

The project is registered as a community based organization drawing membership from 20 community groups with a total membership of 2500 members and is managed by the Project Implementation Committee (PIC) led by the Project Director. The PIC is drawn from member organizations .The director is in charge of the project management assisted by the coordinator and community mobilizer. The community groups manage the tree nurseries and are involved in planting and care of the trees in all sites.

In 2012, the project incorporated local schools and established environmental clubs in these schools through which a school green programmes has been established and sustained with over 200,000 trees planted in schools alone.

The scope of the project has expanded beyond tree planting to include sustainable agriculture, clean cooking technologies with over 8,000 stoves and 300 biogas units distributed ,water harvesting and other livelihood improvement activities.

Our ultimate goal is to plant over 1 million trees annually, distribute over 200,000 clean Cook-stoves annually and improve the livelihood of the Nyeri county community which has over 248,050 households (2019 Census)
