Trees for Tribals

Trees for Tribals, India

Our project aims to empower the Irula tribe in Tamil Nadu through tree planting initiatives. The Irulas, one of the earliest inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent, face significant socioeconomic challenges as a semi-nomadic, landless community with limited access to education and resources. These vulnerabilities leave them exposed to weather disasters. By creating employment opportunities, enhancing biodiversity, and improving their environment,

310,301 Trees funded of 350,000
1,419,434.006 T CO2 compensated
Plant from 1,40

Hello, I was wondering how the communities cook in remote areas like this? Do they mainly make soups, do they use pans and oil? Do they need many products from the closest town?

Amanda Sanghvi
Amanda Sanghvi 3 years ago

Hi Marie and Gaia. Thank you for your question : ) All trees are planted with a team of locals who live in small villages nearby the planting sites. The involvement of the local tribals is crucial for the success of our projects. We select the planting sites, the species we plant together with the local tribals that live near the planting sites. These people not only support our project because we reforest degradet land but also because it allows them to earn some additional incomce to support their families. Our trees can only thrive if we can count on the local popluation. They have to be involved in all steps of the planting project, even in the monitoring of the planted trees. Hope we could answer your questions.

Michiel 3 years ago

This is not an answer on the question(s) I am afraid.

Plombier-Montreal 4 years ago

Hello there, I would like to participate in this project. I'm located in Canada and I've been working with an amazing development team in India for my website: so I would like to give back and compensate for the CO2 and help the Indian community. It seems like I cannot give 5$, only recurrent payments or 10 euros or more. Can you please help me? Thank you!

Amanda Sanghvi
Amanda Sanghvi 4 years ago

Thank you for supporting us in India! It is very easy to make a one time donation. Just enter the "plant & offset" section on top and then then click on the "Plant Trees" botton. Then you can choose our project "Trees for Tribals" and select the species and number of trees (with the one time payment option). Hope this helps?!

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