Forest Gardens - Simiyu Region

Forest Gardens - Simiyu Region, Tanzânia

Our project employs a unique agroforestry approach that benefits local farmers and the environment. Monoculture and logging have degraded the land and left farmers reliant on a single source of income. So far, over 700 farmers are using the Forest Garden approach to rebuild food systems, improve livelihoods, and restore the environment. CO2 per species is rounded to 50kg, as this project is twinned with VCS credits.

337,931 Árvores financiados de 2,000,000
2,147,483.647 T CO2 Compensado
1,394 Seguidores
Plantar desde 1
5 atualizações relacionadas a PovertyRelief
dezembro 2023

44% of our farmers are women, who have become the backbone of agricultural communities, leading the path to food security and economic stability for their families and communities.

15 dez 2023
novembro 2023

A farmer proudly displays her forest garden's bounty, showcasing the successful harvest that sustains her community.

24 nov 2023

A farmer displays a flourishing cabbage from his forest garden, a symbol of growth and self-sufficiency.

24 nov 2023
outubro 2023

Knowledge is power, and in farming, it’s the seed to prosperity! Through comprehensive training in sustainable practices like intercropping and permagardening, farmers are regenerating their lands and reaping the benefits manifold.

10 out 2023

Transitioning from mere maize and pumpkins to a rich array of vegetables and #fruits! Farmers are not only enriching their tables with varied nutritious options but also enhancing the biodiversity and vitality of their lands.

10 out 2023